Why Buyers need Title Review
Why Buyers need Title Review. 12/7/17: Why Buyers need Title Review. This webcast explores what false reasoning people might use to rationalize not using a lawyer to review the title when they purchase real estate.
Why Buyers need Title Review. 12/7/17: Why Buyers need Title Review. This webcast explores what false reasoning people might use to rationalize not using a lawyer to review the title when they purchase real estate.
Boulder’s SmartRegs’ Deadline for Owners of Rental Property The health and safety of people living in Boulder is a concern for Boulder’s government. This concern led to the enactment of its SmartRegs in 2011. These energy guidelines for rental properties in the City of Boulder are intended to reduce carbon in the atmosphere, caused by … Continue Reading
Parenting time (visitation) orders and agreements in parenting plans or stipulations are sometimes made long before children are teenagers. Or, sometimes parenting time (visitation) orders and agreements are made when children are teenagers, but things change after the divorce or custody case is over – and those orders just don’t work any more in the … Continue Reading
Service Animals in the Workplace: Considerations under the Americans with Disabilities Act and Colorado law. The federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. Colorado has promulgated analogous state laws. One way that these laws provide assistance to persons with disabilities is by … Continue Reading
When someone dies owning Colorado real estate, a probate administration is necessary to transfer the property, either to a buyer or to the estate beneficiaries. If the property owner died while living out of state, the type of probate proceeding necessary to transfer the Colorado real estate depends on whether a probate administration has been … Continue Reading
What should Colorado landlords and property managers know when handling a tenant’s request for an emotional support or service animal? Landlords, owners’ associations, and property managers across Colorado have been experiencing an increase in requests for accommodations for assistance animals – either a traditional “service animal” or the increasingly common “emotional support animal.” When these … Continue Reading
A Counter Proposal Destroys the Offeree’s Power to Accept the Initial Offer.
This following article originally appeared in The Colorado Trial Lawyers Association – Trial Talk, August/September, 2017 Edition. The article discusses the history of Colorado’s statute of repose for construction defect claims and analyzes a decision that corrects a flaw in the statute that had nettled litigators since 1986. Article Excerpt: This year, the Colorado Supreme … Continue Reading
Buyer Contingencies: Learn how to avoid creating false expectations in your buyers about their ability to back out of a deal. Learn how to assist your Sellers when you suspect contingencies are being misused, and when they should be referred to an attorney. 4/27/16: Buyers Using Contingencies for Purposes other than they were intended! While … Continue Reading
Homeowners that purchased a home with joists installed after December 1, 2016 are being rapidly removed to alternate housing or have had their closings delayed due to Weyerhaeuser joists that are coated with formaldehyde. The contaminated joists are the TJI ® Joists with Flak Jacket ® Protection. On July 18, 2017, Weyerhaeuser issued a statement … Continue Reading