For each three-year license cycle, all active real estate brokers must complete 24 hours of continuing education (See: DORA Division of Real Estate).
Our attorneys frequently speak on a variety of legal topics. Below please find a list of some of these topics. If you do not see your preferred topic below please call us to inquire about the possibility of custom tailoring a seminar for your needs. Please call us at (303) 494-3000 to book your chosen seminar(s) for your group.
- Annual Commission Update Course: Learn what the Real Estate Commission wants you to know about Compliance Issues, Contracts, New Regulations, General Practice Issues and Future Regulations. Real estate brokers must complete 12 hours of the annual commission update course during their three-year renewal cycle.
- 10 Court Cases Every Broker Should Know: Did you know that you can get in trouble even when you aren’t brokering? Do you know the scope of your limited ability to practice law as a real estate broker? Do you know how some of the most influential court cases can help you understand the business risks of being a broker? And, what the heck is transaction brokerage and how is it different? Learn and understand how some of the most influential court cases can help impact and should tailor your everyday real estate transactions.
- Liens and Deeds Affecting Real Property Transactions: Discussion of how a lien differs from a deed affecting real property. Discussion regarding the priority, effect and expiration of certain liens affecting real property. Review of different types of liens affecting real property, including but not limited to IRS Liens, Department of Justice Liens, Homeowners Association Liens, UCC Liens and Mechanics Liens. Review of different types of deeds affecting real property, including Warranty Deeds, Quit Claim Deeds, Sheriff’s Deeds and Confirmation Deeds.
- Drafting Better Additional Provisions: Drafting Better Additional Provisions is a class designed to better understand when and how to use additional provisions within the CREC Contract. This includes when and how to rely upon the preprinted language already within the CREC Contract, and how to proceed if the pre-printed language cannot be used to address a specific issue and how to recognize the difference between affirmative obligations and contingencies.
- Negotiations: This interactive class allows participants obtain a better understanding of how to be a more concise and successful negotiator.
- The Good, the Bag and the Ugly of Multiple Offers, Backup Offers and Contract Clauses: Help put yourself in the best position as a broker in competitive marketplace by learning how to better prepare and execute back-up contracts, kick-out clauses and escalation clauses as well as outlines how best to prepare your clients so they don’t become involved in earnest money disputes, as well as what to do if a seller seeks to terminate. Other topics included in this course are due diligence documents, late seller defaults and good examples of bad clauses.
- What Real Estate Brokers Need to Know about Bankruptcy.
- Five Ways to Lose Your License & Get Sued: In this 3-hour class, you will learn from a real estate attorney the five most common mistakes real estate brokers make which either get them sued and/or cause them to lose their license.
- Contract Issues for Buyers
- Contracts: Sales Contracts Issues
- Ethics – Our Promise of Professionalism (UPDATED CASE STUDIES)
- Herding Cats: Supervision by Managing/Employing Brokers
- Hot Market Issues – Listing Brokers
- How to Stay Out of Jail
- Inspection, Resolution Solutions
- Letting the Cat Out of the Bag (Real Estate and Social Media)
- Meat & Potatoes Legal Issues
- Resort Real Estate
- What You Don’t Know About Title Insurance Can Hurt You
- Wire Fraud & More
- Writing Winning Offers (Without Getting in Trouble)
- Converting a Station Wagon Into a Sports Car – Commercial Contracts
Dive in and explore the Commercial Contract including what the residential addendum adds to the contract, what the Commercial Contract adds to the residential form, what’s missing and what the contract is not suited for, as well as how and when to advise clients to consider utilizing an attorney throughout commercial real estate transactions and malpractice traps for the unwary.
- Converting a Station Wagon Into a Sports Car – Commercial Contracts
- Demystifying Commercial Real Estate
Thinking about getting into commercial real estate, or just want a better overall understanding of the how to be the best commercial real estate broker you can be? Demystifying Commercial Real Estate provides a better understanding of the in’s and out’s of commercial real estate including the Commercial Contract, title, land use, financing, tax ramifications, leasing, building competence and additional business opportunities.
- Demystifying Commercial Real Estate
- Code of Ethics Enforcement and Arbitration Processes for Hearing Panel Members
- Oil & Gas Issues for Real Estate Brokers
- Attorney Zac Grey will be presenting “How Oil Companies Use a State Statute to Acquire Drilling Rights in Colorado” Feb. 27, 2020 in Denver. Register Here!
- Probate and Trust Estates: In this 3-hour class, you will learn from a real estate attorney how probate can affect your real estate transaction.
- Understanding Colorado’s Changing Marijuana Laws
- Divorce Issues in Colorado Real Estate
Real Estate Divorce Specialists Training Course:
Real Estate Divorce Specialist Certification is now available as a home-study course. You can study this vital material at your own pace and in the convenience of your home with full support from the experts in this field. The knowledge contained in this program will make you the obvious choice for divorcing clients. For more information please visit: Real Estate Divorce Specialists Training Course.