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Foreclosure Evolution (Part II)

Co-Author: Karen J. Radakovich, Esq. This article is Part II of a two part series. Part I is available at Foreclosure Revolution (Part I). A prior issue of this column explained the revolutionary change in Colorado’s foreclosure law. For foreclosures started after January 1, 2008, the owner no longer has a post-foreclosure sale redemption right. … Continue Reading

The New Brokerage Firm

  Supervision, Office Policy and Attention to Detail You have just opened a new brokerage company and things are really happening. Agents want to “come over” and people are taking listings, showing buyers and making sales. Man, that is the way it should be. What should you be doing to make sure that it all … Continue Reading

Loan Conditions Deadline?

What Happened to Loan Approval or Loan Commitment? What does the Loan Conditions Deadline really mean? By that deadline date the buyer needs to be satisfied that the loan is ok with the buyer. Specifically “Contract is conditional upon Buyer determining, in Buyer’s subjective discretion, that the availability, terms, conditions, and cost of such New … Continue Reading

The “Flipper” and the REALTOR®

  The REALTOR® listed the sellers’ house and started working hard to sell it. Along comes the flipper and asks if he can buy it at a reduced price in a short sale. The REALTOR® writes the contract and submits it to the seller who signs it and then it is submitted to the lender … Continue Reading

Buying a House While Going Through a Divorce

Many divorcing couples don’t have sufficient financial resources to consider buying a new home while the divorce process is happening. But for those persons fortunate enough to have good credit and what appears to be adequate income to buy a new house before the divorce is final, the home purchasing process can be a rocky … Continue Reading

Is your Real Estate License Still Active?

  Rule E-44 Reminder: Is Your License Still Active? If you are a real estate broker, you may want to go online to to confirm that your license is still active. The Colorado Real Estate Commission Rule E-44 requires a real estate licensee whose license has transferred to inactive status to immediately cease any … Continue Reading

Foreclosure Senate Bill 71

  Overview The Colorado Legislature passed Senate Bill 71 in 2006 to discourage predatory practices against persons in foreclosure. Violations of Senate Bill 71 can lead to criminal sanctions and, unlike the major changes to Colorado’s foreclosure statutes, Senate Bill 71 has been in effect since the summer of 2006. Senate Bill 71 regulates “Foreclosure … Continue Reading

Beneficiary Deed

Co-Author:  Miriam Abrams Goodman, Esq. Question:    What is a “beneficiary deed” and how are they useful in Colorado? Response:   A beneficiary deed is a legal document to pass title to real property to a “grantee-beneficiary” at death, without the need for probate administration. In Colorado, probate can be avoided if the decedent’s estate consists … Continue Reading

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