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Hiring Private Decision Makers & Coordinators in Parenting Matters

Recent changes in Colorado law have created new opportunities for parents in divorce, post-divorce, and custody (allocation of parental responsibility) cases to resolve disputes and implement parenting plans, without Court intervention. The parties may use the services of a parenting coordinator, parenting decision-maker, or arbitrator. Parenting Coordinator A parenting coordinator may be appointed by the … Continue Reading

RESPA Exception: Payment for Services Actually Rendered

Co-Author:  David A. Farus, Esq. This article explains the exception for Payment for Services Actually Rendered.   Another article on our site explains the Affiliated Business Arrangements (ABA’s) exception. Question: I own a real estate brokerage firm. Mortgage companies and others profit from the business I refer to them. Does RESPA prohibit me from receiving referral … Continue Reading

RESPA Exception: Affiliated Business Arrangements (ABA’s)

Co-Author: David A. Farus, Esq. This article explains the RESPA exception for Affiliated Business Arrangements (ABA’s). Another article on our site explains the exception for Payment for Services Actually Rendered. Question:     I own a real estate brokerage firm. Mortgage companies and others profit from the business I refer to them. Does RESPA prohibit me from … Continue Reading

Mediation & Contract to Buy and Sell Real Estate

Co-Author: Jon Goodman Question: How does the mediation process work? Response:     Section 21 of the Real Estate Commission-approved Contract to Buy and Sell Real Estate (Residential) (CBS 2-7-04) provides, in part, as follows: “If a dispute arises relating to this contract, prior to or after Closing, and is not resolved, the parties shall first proceed … Continue Reading

Personal Representative’s Deed for Closing

Need a Personal Representative’s Deed for a Closing? REALTORS® regularly call the firm to assist with a scheduled closing where the seller does not yet have title to the property because the property hasn’t been administered from an estate of a deceased person. We find that often there is a misunderstanding that the Personal Representative’s … Continue Reading

Terry Schiavo Case: In Colorado, A Living Will Is Not The Correct Solution

As a result of publicity over the Terry Schiavo case, I have received several inquiries from clients and others about the use of living wills and advance directives in Colorado. After reviewing the living will and medical durable power of attorney forms published by the Colorado Bar Association, and Colorado’s statutes governing living wills and … Continue Reading

Beneficiary Deeds in Colorado

Colorado’s new beneficiary deed law became effective on August 4, 2004. The law applies to beneficiary deeds recorded by owners who die after that date, and governs not only beneficiary deeds created after that date under the new statutory guidelines, but also to the older “transfer on death” deeds previously authorized in Colorado. The new … Continue Reading

Commission in Purchase Contract

  I have an Exclusive Right-to-Buy (Buyer Agency) agreement with my buyers. Over the last three months, I have shown them approximately 30 homes. My clients now wish to make an offer on an unlisted property which is for sale by its owner. My buyers do not want to pay me my commission; they want … Continue Reading

How to Breach a Listing Agreement Without Even Trying

  Reprinted from REALTOR® Magazine  May, 2003 by permission of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. Q: What are the main forms of contract breach in real estate? Frascona: In real estate, contract breaches can occur in the property listing agreement between the broker and the seller or in the sales … Continue Reading

Out of Contract

I am the listing broker for a transaction set to close tomorrow. My seller and I have just learned that the buyer’s lender will not fund tomorrow. The buyer needs a three-day extension. All of the contingency deadlines in the contract have passed so that there is no longer any contingency excusing the buyer from … Continue Reading

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