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Legal Ramifications of a Letter of Intent

  I am working on a transaction on behalf of the seller. The buyer would like to agree to a letter of intent. What are the legal ramifications of such a letter? While letters of intent can be a constructive step towards reaching a contract, they have pitfalls, especially for sellers and landlords. Parties frequently … Continue Reading

Allocation of the Dependency Exemption in Colorado Child Support

When child support is determined initially or modified, the Court can also decide who can claim the children as dependency exemptions on tax returns. According to Colorado law, the dependency exemption is allocated based on the parties’ financial contributions to the costs of raising the children. This language in the Colorado child support statute has … Continue Reading

Limited Guarantees

  Question: I am starting a real estate company with two other partners. We are leasing office space. The landlord has requested personal guarantees from each of the three partners. Is there a way for me to guarantee one-third of the obligations under the lease, without being personally liable for the entire obligation? Response: A … Continue Reading

Short Pay-Offs and Redemptions

For foreclosures filed after January 1, 2008, Colorado law no longer provides for an owner’s redemption period. (See Colorado Foreclosure Revolution (Part I). This article explains short pay-off transactions and the ramifications of the loss of owner’s redemption period.) A “short pay-off” or “short sale” is a transaction in which a lender agrees to accept … Continue Reading

Anonymous Purchase of Real Estate

  Question: How can a buyer purchase a property and remain anonymous? Response: Contracts must identify a buyer against whom the contract can be enforced. Yet sometimes buyers seek to remain anonymous. For example, Joe Developer wants to assemble contiguous lots in downtown Denver on which to build a new skyscraper. Mary seeks to buy … Continue Reading

Resolve Divorce, Custody and Support Cases With Mediation and Arbitration

Avoid Costly Court Battles – Resolve Divorce, Custody and Support Cases With Mediation and Arbitration As state budget cuts in the Court system cause already overburdened Courts to delay trials even longer, parents and divorcing parties need a way to resolve their disputes in a quick and cost effective manner. Mediation and arbitration are two … Continue Reading

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