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Anonymous Purchase of Real Estate

  Question: How can a buyer purchase a property and remain anonymous? Response: Contracts must identify a buyer against whom the contract can be enforced. Yet sometimes buyers seek to remain anonymous. For example, Joe Developer wants to assemble contiguous lots in downtown Denver on which to build a new skyscraper. Mary seeks to buy … Continue Reading

Resolve Divorce, Custody and Support Cases With Mediation and Arbitration

Avoid Costly Court Battles – Resolve Divorce, Custody and Support Cases With Mediation and Arbitration As state budget cuts in the Court system cause already overburdened Courts to delay trials even longer, parents and divorcing parties need a way to resolve their disputes in a quick and cost effective manner. Mediation and arbitration are two … Continue Reading

Contract Issues

  Question 1: I am the listing broker. The offer from the buyer, counter from the seller, and acceptance of the counter from the buyer was all done by fax. I received a faxed copy of the earnest money check from the buyer with the initial offer. The buyer accepted and signed the counterproposal five … Continue Reading

Backup Contracts

  I am listing a property and my Seller has entered into a contract with “Buyer 1.” We also received an offer from a second competing buyer, “Buyer 2.” We countered Buyer 2’s offer with a backup contingency. The closing date on Contract 1 is approaching and Buyer 1 has asked for an extension. If … Continue Reading

Use of Family Limited Partnerships in Estate Planning

  Family limited partnerships can be useful vehicles for accomplishing certain estate planning and asset protection planning goals. Historically, they were often used as an alternative to a corporation for purposes of holding real estate or as an operating vehicle for a family business because they offer limited liability protection of the same type afforded … Continue Reading

CLUE Reports Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Reports

Co-Author: Eric R. Jaworski, Esq. What is a CLUE Report? CLUE stands for Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange. It is a comprehensive database of personal property information relating mainly to insurance claims on private property. CLUE was developed by, and is currently operated by, ChoicePoint Asset Co., a Georgia firm. What type of information is found … Continue Reading

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