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Owning Residential Real Property Under Common Ownership

Joint Property Ownership, Property Ownership Agreements and Partition of Real Property Owning residential real property with another person can be rewarding but also challenging or difficult in certain circumstances when property owners cannot agree on the maintenance or disposition of the property in the event of a dispute between the property owners.  Outside of a … Continue Reading

Changes to Colorado’s Non-Compete Covenant Statute

Following Passage of the Restrictive Employments Agreement Act Last year, the Colorado legislature significantly revamped the state’s noncompetition and restrictive covenants statute.  On August 10, 2022, the Restrictive Employments Agreement Act (the “Act”) became effective, implementing substantial changes to § 8-2-113, C.R.S., which statute encompasses Colorado’s restrictive covenant prohibitions.  The Act has broad sweeping changes … Continue Reading

New Law on Rental Application Fees

Colorado’s 2019 legislative session resulted in new laws affecting landlords and tenants.  This article is not inclusive of all the changes to landlord-tenant law it focuses on rental application fees. Please contact our office if you have specific questions regarding a particular area of landlord-tenant law. House Bill 19-1106 – Rental Application Fees Landlords typically … Continue Reading

FJGG Now Offering Mediation Services

In addition to offering our clients’ assistance with multiple areas of law and legal services, the law firm of Frascona, Joiner, Goodman and Greenstein, P.C. (“FJGG”) is now also offering mediation services for various types of disputes.

What Is Slander of Title and What Can You Do to Remove It?

When Does a Document Recorded Against Real Property Constitute a “Slander of Title” and What Can You Do to Remove It? All deeds, powers of attorney, agreements, and other instruments conveying, encumbering, or affecting title to real estate, including certified copies of orders, judgments, and decrees of courts may be recorded in the office of … Continue Reading

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