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Tax Considerations for Divorce

Understanding Tax Implications During Divorce Co-Author:  Gregg Greenstein, Esq. If you are going through a divorce or separation, taxes may be the last thing on your mind. However, poor tax planning during this process can lead to huge headaches down the road. We have experience helping clients navigate the potential tax pitfalls that can negatively impact their marital … Continue Reading

Dividing Oil and Gas Interests in a Colorado Dissolution of Marriage

Dividing Oil and Gas Interests in a Colorado Separation or Dissolution of Marriage Co-Author:  Gregg Greenstein Introduction Colorado family law courts are accustomed to dividing typical marital property items such as real estate, furniture, cars, and bank accounts during a legal separation or dissolution of marriage. What happens when the marital estate includes atypical assets … Continue Reading

How to Collect Past Due Child Support, Expenses or Maintenance in Colorado

Author:  Chelsea Kancilia Co-Author:  Gregg Greenstein My Ex Didn’t Pay Me! It can be frustrating when you ex does not pay your child support, expenses or maintenance as ordered by the Court in your settlement agreement or in your permanent orders from your divorce or parental responsibilities case.  Here’s what you need to know about … Continue Reading

Child Support and Maintenance Modification in Colorado During the Coronavirus Era

Introduction The current coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis has resulted in self-employed individuals having no work to do; a rise in unemployment claims; pay cuts; termination and furlough. As part of a divorce case, a child custody case, a legal separation case, paternity case or other proceedings, a husband, wife, parent or other person may be court-ordered … Continue Reading

Parenting Time, Visitation and Child Custody in the Era of COVID-19 the Novel Coronavirus

Parenting time exchanges and concerns about your child’s health while in the other parent’s household for visitation or parenting time can be challenging during the COVID-19 coronavirus isolation, quarantine and shutdown periods. There are some basic concepts to keep in mind concerning how divorce, allocation of parental responsibilities (custody) laws and parenting time (visitation) laws … Continue Reading

Common Law Marriage in Colorado

Co-Author: Brittaney McGinnis How Do You Get Married in Colorado? There are two ways in Colorado to be married: common law marriage and by obtaining a marriage license certificate. Same sex couples or heterosexual couples can be married by license or they can be common law married. Common law marriage is an often misunderstood concept. … Continue Reading

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