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Controlling Your Anger At Clients

Controlling Your Anger At Clients 7/28/14: Controlling Your Anger At Clients. The nature of being a professional is that our clients occasionally frustrate us, sometimes driving us to the point of anger. Our anger, combined with the ease of e-mails, texts, voice mails and other forms of communication that leave a record causes problems for all … Continue Reading

Death Of The Reverse Mortgage Borrower

Left In The Cold? Rights Of Lenders, Heirs & Surviving Spouses Upon The Death Of The Reverse Mortgage Borrower Overview of Reverse Mortgages A reverse mortgage can provide a source of income for elderly individuals while allowing them to stay in their home. Many elderly individuals have much of their wealth tied up in the … Continue Reading

Can I Keep My Service Dog Even Though My Association’s Covenants Don’t Allow It?

The “seeing-eye dog” of yesterday has been replaced by many different kinds of animals that assist persons with many kinds of disabilities. Today, “service,” ”companion,” “therapy,” “support,” and “assistance” animals provide mobility for the sight and hearing impaired and emotional support for persons with depression, anxiety, or mental disabilities. They can help people with epilepsy, … Continue Reading

Coming Soon Phenomenon

6/23/14: “Coming Soon Phenomenon.”  This month the Division of Real Estate published its Commission Position 44, addressing the “Coming Soon Phenomenon.” Learn how to manage the potential conflicts of interest within this issue.  

Lender Lien Priority Disputes

Colorado Court of Appeals Helps Clarify Lender Lien Priority Disputes With the downturn in the economy beginning in 2008 and corresponding uptick in lender foreclosures and collection actions, Colorado courts have been revisiting the arena of secured transactions. In certain cases, competing lenders have skirmished over the assets of a common borrower. These skirmishes can … Continue Reading

Transfer of Rental Property To a Legal Entity

Liability Protection: Considerations Regarding The Transfer of Rental Property To a Legal Entity Q: I recently purchased a rental property and title is held in my individual name. I put 20% of the purchase price down and financed the remaining 80% of the purchase with a loan secured by a deed of trust on the … Continue Reading

Demystifying Commercial Real Estate

Demystifying Commercial Real Estate Webcast 2/24/14: Demystifying Commercial Real Estate. Commercial real estate isn’t necessarily harder than residential real estate, it’s just different. The first step in wading into commercial real estate is understanding the cultural differences. In this webinar, Jon will discuss the following: Use of Letters of Intent, One Free Look, Documenting Co-operative … Continue Reading

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