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Relevance of a Real Estate License

Co-author: Zakary A. Kessler Colorado first passed its license law statute in 1929.(E1) This author knows of no situation where, absent harm to a consumer, a person encountered litigation or criminal prosecution for the unauthorized practice of brokerage. In the 80 plus years in which Colorado has had real estate licensing law, the annotators of the … Continue Reading

Special Needs Trust: Farrah Soudani – Fundraising Press Release

Farrah Soudani Irrevocable Special Needs Trust Press Release VOLUNTEER RAISES MORE THAN $150,000 FOR FRIEND’S DAUGHTER, CRITICALLY INJURED IN AURORA SHOOTING Money will help Farrah Soudani pay for her medical expenses and continued care WHAT: A press conference with Farrah’s mother, Heidi Soudani and Farrah’s father, Sam Soudani, to thank University of Colorado Hospital, doctors, … Continue Reading

Preparing for Small Claims Court

Taking the Intimidation out of Preparing for Small Claims Court Usually people do not hire lawyers for representation in Small Claims Court – they represent themselves. Preparing for your trial can be intimidating. I have recently consulted with clients to tackle preparation for their Small Claims Court trial. You want to be ready to go … Continue Reading

National Mortgage Settlement & Colorado Homeowners

What the National Mortgage Settlement Means for Colorado Homeowners The National Mortgage Settlement is an agreement between five of the largest residential mortgage loan servicers and a coalition of state attorneys general and federal agencies that resolves violations in the way the banks handled loan modifications and foreclosures. The Settlement is designed to compensate borrowers … Continue Reading

The “Produce the Note” Foreclosure Defense in Colorado

Co-Author:  Tasha J. Power, Esq. Question: I have seen news reports explaining that banks and other mortgage lenders need to produce the original signed promissory note if the lender is going to foreclose on a piece of real estate. I’ve also heard that many lenders can’t produce the original promissory notes. Can I demand that … Continue Reading

Colorado License Law and Apartment Managers

What Functions May an Apartment Manager Perform Without a Real Estate License? It can be a complicated task to successfully navigate the maze of Colorado laws and regulations regarding what type of real estate functions, especially property management functions, require a real estate license. The laws and regulations themselves sometimes lack clear and specific requirements … Continue Reading

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