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Children Marrying Adults

The concept of children marrying adults is a reality in Colorado. In a recent decision by the Colorado Court of Appeals, the Court determined that a young girl’s marriage to an older man was legally valid despite her age. The statutory age of consent for marriage in Colorado is eighteen. Nevertheless, persons between sixteen and … Continue Reading

Properly Signing a Will

The Importance of a Properly Executed Will, and What it Does and Doesn’t Control In Colorado, signing a will with the proper formalities can make a big difference in the administration and distribution of your estate. Colorado has a progressive, consumer-oriented probate system. Commentators in the national media constantly warn the public to “avoid probate,” … Continue Reading

RESPA: Affiliated Business Arrangements

Co-Author: Amanda S.P. Howe More on Affiliated Business Arrangements Some service businesses try to operate as simply as they can and out-source all services but their core competencies. Other businesses seek to provide one-stop shopping for customers. One stop shopping can enhance the quality of the services to the customer and help the business amortize its … Continue Reading

Property Management Agreement Addendum

Co-Author:  Amanda S. P. Howe, Esq. Brokerage Duties Addendum to Property Management Agreement Question:   I am a licensed real estate broker. In addition to helping owners lease property, I help my owner clients manage their portfolio. I understand that the Colorado Real Estate Commission has created a form called “Brokerage Duties Addendum to Property … Continue Reading

How to Commit More Loan Fraud

Question:  There is a home in my farm area which just closed at a price 30% more than it is worth. This conclusion is based not just on my knowledge of the house and the market, but also on the listing history. The property initially went on the market six months ago. Over the six months, … Continue Reading

Senate Bill 100 – Part I

Co-Author: Karen Radakovich, Esq. See Senate Bill 100 – Part II Question: As a REALTOR® what do I need to know about Senate Bill 100 (“SB100”), the law which requires sellers to provide homeowners’ association governing documents and other financial information to buyers? Response: The Colorado Real Estate Commission Update course for 2005 educated REALTORS® … Continue Reading

Senate Bill 100 – Part II

Co-Author: Karen Radakovich, Esq.  Go to Senate Bill 100 – Part I Question: As a REALTOR® what do I need to know about Senate Bill 100 (“SB100”), the law which requires sellers to provide homeowners’ association governing documents and other financial information to buyers? Response: Part I, addressed seven questions related to Senate Bill 100. … Continue Reading

HOA Super Liens and Foreclosure

Co-Author:  Janeen R. Hill, Esq.  Question:   I just bought a property through the foreclosure process. I expected that the foreclosure of the first deed of trust would extinguish all liens against the property, including delinquent homeowner’s association fees. Now the association is claiming a lien for six months of assessments, plus the attorneys fees spent … Continue Reading

Installment Land Contracts and Lease/Option Agreements

Why Installment Land Contracts (ILC) and Lease/Option Agreements Are Risky Co-Author:  Zac Grey This article was last updated on November 5, 2024. For buyers, using an installment land contract (ILC), also known as a “contract for deed,” or a lease with an option to purchase can be risky. Often, these methods are used when buyers … Continue Reading

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