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A Primer on the Post-Treasurer’s Deed Quiet Title Process

In Colorado, a real estate investor can purchase a lien on delinquent real estate taxes. Upon the satisfaction of certain conditions, the investor can apply for a treasurer’s deed to take title to the subject property. A prior article explains title companies generally will not insure title based on a treasurer’s deed, but that a … Continue Reading

2023 Colorado Residential Leasing Changes

In its 2023 legislative session, the Colorado General Assembly passed several bills that impact relationships between residential landlords and tenants. Governor Polis subsequently signed many (but not all) of these bills into law. Some of these new laws may require updates to residential lease agreement templates. Others may not require direct changes to lease agreements … Continue Reading

Must I Use Colorado Foreclosure Protection Act form for the sale of all CO foreclosure property?

The video encourages you to review the Colorado Division of Real Estate’s flow chart describing when to use the Colorado Foreclosure Protection Act Contract here. If you come to the same answer with the Division’s flow chart and the information in this video, then you are probably right. If you produce different answers, you should … Continue Reading

What Should Sellers Disclose When Selling Their Home After the Marshall Fire?

Under Colorado law, sellers are obligated to disclose known adverse material facts about their Property. This obligation is outlined in the Buy Sell Residential Contract, specifically, Section 10. The Sellers must also complete a Seller’s Property Disclosure Form when listing the Property for sale. This obligation of disclosure has also been reiterated by the Colorado … Continue Reading

Current Problems in Colorado with New Residential Homes Being Built

Builders are currently reporting a shortage in adequate labor to help build new homes for their customers. There are also reported delays in getting some materials. The Superior, Louisville and Marshall areas are also starting to rebuild homes burned down by the Marshall fire putting another strain on the current new build market. Some construction … Continue Reading

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