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New Law on Rental Application Fees

Colorado’s 2019 legislative session resulted in new laws affecting landlords and tenants.  This article is not inclusive of all the changes to landlord-tenant law it focuses on rental application fees. Please contact our office if you have specific questions regarding a particular area of landlord-tenant law. House Bill 19-1106 – Rental Application Fees Landlords typically … Continue Reading

What should I know about Colorado Senate Bill 181 and its impact on oil and gas development in the state? Part I

Updated:  Sept. 9, 2019. Part I: Realignment of the COGCC and Delegation of Control to Local Governments Puts an Emphasis on Protecting Health, Safety, and Welfare, including the Environment and Wildlife Resources. On Tuesday, April 16, 2019, Governor Jared Polis signed into law Senate Bill 181 ‘Concerning Additional Public Welfare Protections Regarding the Conduct of … Continue Reading

Can an Employer Rescind a Job Offer after an Employee Tests Positive for Marijuana?

Marijuana and Employment Following the passage of Colorado’s Amendment 64 in 2012, employers and employees have faced a multitude of challenges and issues relating to the consumption and possession of marijuana by employees. One question that frequently arises is whether an employer may rescind an offer of employment based upon a prospective employee’s positive test … Continue Reading

Buying Property Anonymously

Purchasing Property Anonymously Webcast 5/1/19: Buying a Property Anonymously. It’s not unusual for Commercial Buyers to want to purchase anonymously, and it’s not uncommon in Residential transactions either! We explore the motives behind incognito purchases, options for accomplishing them, and look at how they affect the transaction.

General Warranty Deed versus Special Warranty Deed

General Warranty Deed versus Special Warranty Deed In addition to the choice of deed (between general warranty and special warranty), there are three other factors that strongly influence the buyers’ and sellers’ risk factors: (1) The style of the exceptions to the warranties; (2) the features of the sellers’ existing title insurance; and (3) the … Continue Reading

No Oil Development Restrictive Covenant

The restrictive covenant on my property that says ‘no oil/gas drilling allowed’ means no one can develop the minerals under my property, right? Not exactly. Buyers of Colorado real estate often mistakenly rest easy knowing their property is subject to a restrictive covenant disallowing oil and gas development (referred to herein as a ‘no oil … Continue Reading

FJGG Now Offering Mediation Services

In addition to offering our clients’ assistance with multiple areas of law and legal services, the law firm of Frascona, Joiner, Goodman and Greenstein, P.C. (“FJGG”) is now also offering mediation services for various types of disputes.

Common Law Marriage in Colorado

Co-Author: Brittaney McGinnis How Do You Get Married in Colorado? There are two ways in Colorado to be married: common law marriage and by obtaining a marriage license certificate. Same sex couples or heterosexual couples can be married by license or they can be common law married. Common law marriage is an often misunderstood concept. … Continue Reading

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