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How to Buy a Property in Foreclosure

As a foreclosure attorney, my staff and I constantly field phone calls and e-mails from would-be purchasers of the properties we have in foreclosure. This article attempts to set out the most useful procedures for such callers, to get the most relevant information about a particular property in foreclosure.

Rent Control

Boulder Rent Control Boulder and rent control have an interesting history, and past efforts to impose rent control in the city directly contributed to a statewide response from the Colorado Legislature. In 1980, the City of Boulder passed a citizen initiative to impose rent control in existing buildings that would have capped and tightly regulated … Continue Reading

Property Specific Deed Exceptions

Property Specific Deed Exceptions. This webcast walks you through an example where this distinction between a general exception deed and a property specific exception deed makes a difference and explains why most Colorado title companies initially prepare a deed form that is inconsistent with the Colorado Real Estate Commission contract. 2/23/18: Property Specific Deed Exceptions. … Continue Reading

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