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Raising Financing Through Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding has become a popular way of raising financing. It generally involves using the internet to ask a large number of people to each contribute a small amount of money to support a cause or a project. In some cases, people give money as a donation because they believe in the particular cause or project. … Continue Reading

What Is Mediation?

What Is Mediation and Do I Have To Go To Mediation? In most family law cases, the court orders mediation where the parties have to try to resolve their differences with a neutral third party, the mediator. In the event that you are able to resolve your differences (and there is a signed settlement agreement) … Continue Reading

Notice of Claims Process Under the Construction Defect Action Reform Act

In order to reform Colorado’s construction defect laws, Colorado’s legislators enacted the original Construction Defect Action Reform Act (CDARA-I) in 2001 and CDARA-II in 2003. The intent of these laws was to preserve adequate rights and remedies for property owners bringing construction defect claims against construction professionals while also curbing perceived abuses related to such … Continue Reading

Dodd-Frank, Consumer Financial Protection & Owner Financing

What do Dodd-Frank and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Regulations Mean for Owner Financing in Colorado? The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (“Dodd-Frank”) introduced a host of new regulations designed to protect consumers and avoid another housing collapse. Key components of Dodd-Frank were designed to create greater certainty that borrowers can repay their … Continue Reading

Failure to complete the Seller’s Property Disclosure

Failure to complete the Seller’s Property Disclosure and the “as is” Language in the contract doesn’t avoid the need to disclose known problems Webcast. 12/16/13: Failure to complete the Seller’s Property Disclosure and the “as is” Language in the contract doesn’t avoid the need to disclose known problems. A November 2013 Colorado Court of Appeals … Continue Reading

Recognizing Broker’s Susceptibility to Scams

Recognizing Real Estate Broker’s Susceptibility to Scams Webcast 9/28/13: Recognizing Broker’s Susceptibility to Scams. The natural optimism and goal orientation of Brokers, combined with big rewards from successfully closed deals, makes Brokers susceptible to scams. Learn how to avoid these scams before you’ve wasted too much time or effort. Red Flags for Brokers: Never met … Continue Reading

Floods – Denial of Coverage

Denial of Coverage for Damage from the Great 2013 Colorado Floods With the massive devastation and destruction to homes and personal property caused by September 2013 Colorado flooding, insurance companies will aggressively be looking for ways to reduce their losses. In many instances coverage will be denied for claims. While not all of these denials … Continue Reading

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