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Modifying Child Support Payments

A parent’s child support payments can be modified when changes occur in the parent’s or the child’s life. Understanding when child support can change may save a parent time and money when trying to determine whether to go back to court and get support changed. Factors which are taken into consideration are: the mother’s income; … Continue Reading

Joinder Of Third Parties In Divorce Cases

Copyright 1997 Gregg A. Greenstein, Esq., Originally published in The Colorado Lawyer, May 1997 Divorce issues may impact persons other than the parties and their children. For example, parents of the parties, corporations and other third parties involved with marital assets may be affected by the divorce. This article analyzes the usage of joinder in … Continue Reading

Opportunities For S Corporations

  Small Business Job Protection Act Creates New Opportunities For S Corporations I. Introduction Subtitle C of the recently enacted Small Business Job Protection Act, (H.R. 3448) (the “Act”), has liberalized the qualifications for “S corporations.” The result is an expansion of the opportunities and ways in which S corporations can be used, especially in the … Continue Reading

Choosing a Fiduciary for Your Will or Trust

For most people, selecting the “right” person to take care of one’s minor children or property after death is the most agonizing feature of estate planning. This problem should not prevent you from signing a will or moving forward with other necessary estate planning, however. You need to have a will in place because the … Continue Reading

Advance Directives

  The Case For Advance Directives Advance directives have become as common as wills in estate planning. Most estate planning packages today will include both general and healthcare durable powers of attorney and a living will. Are these documents necessary for most adults or merely exploitation of the public’s fear? If one weighs the minimal … Continue Reading

Agency Policy & Broker Documents

  Question: I am opening my own real estate company. Initially, I will be the sole broker, but over the next few months, I expect to take on associates under my license. Do I need an agency policy? Do I need an office policy manual? What other documents might I need? Answer: Agency Policy Every … Continue Reading

Landlord Tenant Security Deposit FAQ

Co-Author: Catherine A. Hance, Esq. Question 1: A tenant gives appropriate notice to vacate a rental unit and vacates the premises in accord with that notice. When must the landlord return the security deposit to the vacating tenant? Answer 1: A landlord must, within “one month after the termination of a lease or surrender and acceptance … Continue Reading

Drafting the Loan Approval Clause to Minimize Uncertainty

Co-Author: Richard Byron Peddie, Esq. In a previous article, we explored the ambiguity associated with the meaning of “loan approval” in loan contingencies. We examined the existing caselaw on the subject and saw that the law is underdeveloped in this area, leaving the parties unsure as to when the contingency is satisfied. We also saw how … Continue Reading

New Forms and Rules Affect Commercial Real Estate

Co-Author: Richard Byron Peddie, Esq. The Colorado Real Estate Commission has revised the Exclusive Right to Lease listing agreement (ERL). There are four new engagement forms for leasing. New Rule (E-40) regulates the preparation of market analyses by brokers. The Commission has also altered the Licensee Buy-Out Agreement, utilizing an addendum which can be attached to … Continue Reading

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